When our CEO Sujan Shah mentioned he wanted to donate £1000 to charity on behalf our customers we were at a real crossroads. Which customer should we give the £1000 to? Who will they donate it to? Do we give it all away in one go or even in one day?
We looked at our huge customer database of independent retailers, gift shops and more currently buying packaging from us and decided we should divide up the money and give lots of people a chance to donate to their favorite charities. We figured everyone would want a good size donation so we went with £20, which would allow us to make 50 donations to spend £1000.
We launched our GrandForCharity landing page (lots of great donation stories there) and #GrandForCharity hashtag on Twitter so that both customers and followers could take part. Below is a summary infographic of how you helped us donate £1000.

On behalf of our staff, customers and charities that received part of the £1000 – thank you for helping us roll out GrandForCharity – we’re very grateful! Do give us your feedback on this program so that we can improve it next time via the comments section below or via Twitter @CarrierBagShop.